Make A Monetary Donation
We rely primarily on donations to provide families with financial assistance. We are not subsidized by government or other programs so donations, big or small, really make a difference to us.
Make your check payable to:
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Mail to:
St. Vincent de Paul Society
45 Crosswicks St.
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Support A SVDP Fundraiser
We sponsor 4 major fundraisers a year at St. Mary Church in Bordentown and Holy Assumption Church in Roebling:
- Easter Palm Cross Sale
- Mother’s Day Flower Sale
- Fall Mum Sale
- Christmas Wreath & Grave Pillow Sale
When you support these sales, you help us raise money to help families in need.
Make A Memorial Donation
We humbly accept donations in memory of someone special to you. Persons honored by memorial donations are entered into our intention book and remembered in prayer at all of our meetings. We will send a memorial card acknowledging your gift.
Make your check payable to:
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Mail to:
St. Vincent de Paul Society
45 Crosswicks St.
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Send A SVDP Prayer Card
Don’t know what to buy for the person who has everything? Need a gift for someone celebrating a special birthday or anniversary? Consider sending a SVDP “Thinking Of You” Prayer Card. Personalize the card for your loved one and send it to them. Send us their name and your donation. We will remember your loved one in prayer and 100% of your donation will help families and individuals in need. Pick up a card at the exits of either St. Mary Church or Holy Assumption Church or at the Parish Center or call us to get one.
Donate Your Vehicle To SVDP
If you’re thinking of donating your vehicle, consider donating it to the St. Vincent de Paul Society Vehicle Donation Program. Vehicles in any condition are accepted and we will receive the proceeds from your donation. See our Home Page for more information.
Support SVDP Church Envelopes
One of the ways Mary, Mother of the Church Parish supports us is by providing a SVDP envelope in their envelope system. Every first weekend of the month there is a special envelope for the benefit of SVDP. Please consider making a donation in these special envelopes.
Join Us
We invite you to join us in our mission to help families in need in our own community. We have a variety of tasks you can help with and you give only as much time as you are comfortable with. We are a group of friends who grow spiritually together and we would be happy to have you join us. Call us at (609) 298-1414 for more information.
Prayer is a very special gift you can give. Please remember us and all of the families we help in your prayers.